Kauder - Brand & Website

I was asked to create a logo and website for a new software development studio - Kauder.io The company was registered in New Zealand and they'd chosen to spell their company name phonetically from Maori perspective. I was delighted to recognise the opportunity to turn the K of Kauder into a cursor and opening bracket.

On the website I implemented a function to make the 'cursor' flash as it would in a code editor.

 <div className="mx-auto max-w-7xl pb-10 pt-10 sm:pb-1 lg:flex lg:px-0">
  <div className="mx-auto max-w-7xl flex-shrink-0 lg:mx-0 lg:max-w-xl lg:pt-40">
    <div className="flex">
      <div className="animate-pulse-fast">
        <img className="max-h-28" src="flashindi.png" alt="Flash Blu"/>
      <img className="max-h-28" src="indiauder.png" alt="Kauder"/>

I built the site in React and used Tailwind components and CSS.

Feel free to request access to the code via my github.